The team here at Denver Street Food just keeps growing! It’s kind of amazing and a testament to the growing energy behind our emerging street food scene that there are more and more people who are willing to put in a little work to help spread the word. But without any further ado, please welcome Lauren Tom and Brandi Stanley!
Lauren takes her cupcakes seriously. She also takes them hiking.
Lauren Tom
During the Great Food Truck Race mayhem a few weeks ago, I somehow sweet talked the Denver Cupcake Truck out of their last two Mile High Mochas just as they were closing down. I sat down with my box of cupcakey goodness at the Atomic Cowboy and enjoyed what probably should have been my last beer of the day (it was not) with some other street food junkies. A few minutes later, a woman came walking by with a mildly desperate look on her face, eyes sweeping up and down the street, holding cash in her hand. Seeing as this was happening on Colfax, it wasn’t an entirely uncommon scene, but she didn’t look like the meth type. I asked her what she was looking for when she paused in front of the bar. “Cupcakes. The Cupcake Truck. It’s not closed. Is it?” Or something like that. She seemed sad. I asked her if she liked Mile High Mocha and offered her one of my cupcakes (I’m a generous drunk). The result was a smile something like what you see in the photo here. Big grin. Happy Lauren. She had never heard of our website, but the second she learned about it, she was eager to be a part of it, and we welcome her! Here’s what she has to say about herself:
I am a California native who came to Colorado for college (Go Buffs!). I inherited my love of the culinary arts from my chef mother. If I could do anything, I’d travel the world exploring new cuisines. (I mean, who wouldn’t?!). I’m excited to work with Denver Street Food, and bring attention to all the delicious offerings from the local trucks!
Brandi loves the unpretentious accessibility of street food, and a good pair of aviators.
Brandi Stanley
Brandi contacted us through our website and waxed all poetical and stuff about the many virtues of street food. The second she said, “Think of it as a bad ass version of Julie and Julia,” I was sold. In her initial email she writes, “I’ve spent that last year of my life hopping around to any restaurant in Denver I could try (read: afford), photographing like a novice, talking about my experiences to friends and family with as little culinary snobbery (or training) as possible, and pretending to be a foodie. Until I realized I actually was a foodie.”
She’s definitely one of us.
Then I cyberstalked her and learned we have several friends in common, but that’s neither here nor there. Here’s how she explains herself:
I stumbled into life as a foodie after digging into what it meant to eat increasingly more organically, locally and seasonally. A freelance graphic designer with a Master’s degree in International and Intercultural Communication from the University of Denver, I’m always curious about the intersections between design, social issues and sustainability–an intersection where food continually falls. More than ten years removed from my home town of Dallas, I still miss Wolf Brand Chili, but am more than happy to enjoy all of the (less preservative-laden) food Denver has to offer, especially when it’s on wheels. When I’m not chasing down the nearest street food, you can typically find me eating the Avocado Crab Cake Benedict from Root Down, or working off said benedict by hiking the Rockies.
Welcome ladies! Your member mugs and decoder rings are in the mail! Now, get out there and eat! And don’t forget to write.